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Sunday, August 19, 2012

How to create a message when the Windows START UP

How to create a message when the Windows START UP.

By making the message at start up Windows, it will indirectly prevent it that does not want other people who want to see your computer. The real way to prevent others from using our computers can be done by giving the password on Windows, but how to give password in Windows that can not secure way because it still can be broken by using software or by using a special trick to enter your password on the message Windows does not show up anymore.

The trick is to make a unique text message appears when Windows START UP. You simply add the text below in the autoexec.bat file. Search aja file using the Search feature in Windows 7 and Run in Windows XP.

echo off
Echo ... This computer belongs to ..........
Echo. Do not .........
For%% C in (ABCDEFGHIJKL) do Dir C: \ Windows> Null
Echo ... write according to what you want ..

So every time your computer boots, it will appear the message. Writing that he guardians with Echo can you replace with your own messages. Hopefully this simple manner useful for you.

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