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Sunday, August 19, 2012

How to cope with a fast computer heat

How to cope with a fast computer heat.

Various attempts were made to protect our computers quickly to avoid the heat. One attempt is the addition of a fan or a fan to cool the computer functions.

At least reduce, or even make your computer durable:

* Dust is an invisible killer cumulative. This dust clog and slow cooling, dust covered motherboard, video card and other components so that cooling is not working. So every few months, clean the casing and motherboard etc in your computer.
* Power Supply is an important component in your computer's CPU. Consider to upgrade or replace your power supply.
* Evaluate your hard drive settings. Several cases of PC hard drive lets you set directly on top of each other. Hard drives generate more heat. If you have multiple hard drives, you should space them apart, or at least distance apart, in order to allow for better circulation. In addition, if you have an older IDE drive, replace it with a SATA drive interface cable thinner than the broader IDE cable. Even better, when you replace the hard drive, replace it with a Solid State Hard Drive.
* Reduce the number of programs running. Number of programs running will affect the CPU heat. Reduce the program running in the background is a good choice. Unnecessary programs, stop it. How do I turn off unused programs are:

Choose Start> Run and type msconfig, and press OK. This will open the Microsoft Configuration Utility. Under the Startup tab, remove all the programs you know do not have to run at startup. You may be surprised at how many programs that automatically loads itself.

* Attach additional fan in the back of the casing. Because it will help draw the air out of the computer and prevents the buildup of dust in the power supply. The concept is to draw cold air so as to help circulate air over the CPU and the hot air out the back of the casing. But this can also increase the amount of dust coming into the casing. So if you use the front fan, be sure to remove your computer from the floor.

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